What happens at the Parish doesn't stay at the Parish
The Parish is a faith community that is fuelled by a conviction that God’s love for us desires to produce love in us—and not just in us—but through us.
Imagine all the great things we can do together if we believed this is part of why we exist as a church.
We are discovering that faith is not just about
knowing God, but joining God.
It’s not just about
trusting that God is at work in our world
but believing that we
can be at work in His,
partnering with what He is already up to.
*God's love for us producing love in us.
How you can support our efforts to be a
Church that thinks like a cause
Your financial giving to the Parish helps us offer our upstairs Sunday experience upstairs, as well as our full child care in Fireflies and our Junior High program called LightBox ,that both meet downstairs.
Your giving helps us provide part-time leadership for all our areas at the Parish. Thanks to your generosity, we can add new opportunities in Pastoral Care and Jr High ministries,
as we have had resources available
Your giving helps us provide Shalem Mental Health Coverage for anyone who doesn't have health insurance. You can learn more by clicking here. Because of your giving, hundreds of sessions have been accessed by those in need for over 6 years,
all because of your giving.
Your giving has allowed us to help local and international organizations in efforts to provide humanitarian needs and compassion. We have helped feed hundreds of Children in Haiti, supported efforts globally for hurricane relief, and helped provide clean drinking water. Locally, we have helped organizations feed, clothe, and house individuals for 8 years.
Without your giving, none of this would be possible.
Consider being a part of something bigger, by supporting our efforts as we think like a cause.
You can donate online here, or by clicking GIVE in the toolbar at the top.